
Hand crafts

Business profits and losses are now recorded in a timely manner

I used to work from home, but now I have an office

 S.Daariijav runs a sewing business. Like many others, she first discovered the GER Initiative in 2005 as she explored opportunities to expand her business. She became a client of the project and became involved in its services.

   She has been in constant contact with the project's business consultants on how to improve her product and increase sales, and has been able to participate in GER Initiative project exhibitions and events. In order to increase her working capital, S.Daariijav obtained a loan of MNT 2,000,000 through a project, which had a significant impact on sales growth and business expansion.

   One of her advantages is that she has an experienced sewing business that has been successfully using our connection services since 2006. In addition, she received training in marketing and record keeping, and was able to manage her business's income, expenses, and receivables in a timely and accurate manner. As a result, business profits and losses are determined in a timely manner.

   She is now looking to expand her business by moving to her new office and started her operations there, rather than at home.

Client feedback:

“Since becoming a project customer, I have been able to focus on the quality of my products by learning how to sell successfully and about my competitors and customers. We have also expanded our business and created jobs by receiving business connection services many times. ”