


Development Solutions is a member of local and international business support organizations. By becoming a member of this network of organizations, it is possible to establish international standard programs in Mongolia, as well as to share Mongolia's experience internationally and exchange mutually beneficial ideas. It also aims to create a globally competitive business by introducing global development to Mongolian entrepreneurs and teaching them international management techniques.  

The Youth Business Initiative Network is a non-profit organization that brings together more than 50 countries around the world. Originally initiated by Prince Charles of Wales in the United Kingdom, it aims to support youth employment, and now aims to create one million young people worldwide by 2025 through mentoring, financing and entrepreneurship training to prepare young people not only as job seekers. Development Solutions is a trusted member of the organization since 2013.  

The Global Social Entrepreneurship Network is working to achieve the global goals of sustainable development in line with entrepreneurship. In 2017, the organization had a total of 55 members, and Development Solutions became the 55th member in its mission. Today, the network spreads the skills to run a sustainable business model by addressing social issues, and not just for profit. 

The Mongolian Institute of Management Consultants is a member of the International Institute of Certified Management Consultants, which brings together Mongolian professional consultants. Development Solutions NGO became a member in 2011 and has been developing its teachers and consultants with the support of the institute, while bringing the training and consulting services it provides to its clients in line with international consulting standards.